Contacts Contact address Research and Innovation Centre for Electrical Engineering Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia Univerzitní 2795/26, 301 00 Pilsen Phone: +420 377 634 101 E-mail: University of West Bohemia Univerzitni 2732/8, 301 00 Pilsen, Czech Republic, Europe ID No: 49777513 VAT No: CZ49777513 Data mail box ID: zqfj9hj WHERE TO FIND US - MAP Contact person prof. Ing. Zdeněk Peroutka, Ph.D. Dean, Chief executive officer +420 377 634 001 doc. Ing. Jiří Tupa, Ph.D. Vice-Dean for Strategy and Development, Chief operations officer +420 377 634 008 Iveta Pangrácová, BA Event & marketing coordinator +420 377 634 176